What Determines The Price Of My Asphalt Project?

The price of an asphalt project will start off by determining the square foot of the project. The square foot of the project is the area where the asphalt will be added. Other factors that determine the price of an asphalt project include:
* existing sub grade
* permits
* culvert placement
* materials
* time
* equipment
* labor


The existing sub grade is the area where the asphalt will be installed. The sub grade area should be free of any roots, debris, and should be completely clean. The area will be cleared, cleaned and ready for new asphalt to be applied.

Permits may be needed for asphalt projects that involve adding a culvert to the project. The culvert will allow the water to flow from the asphalt properly. The materials needed for an asphalt project will depend on how thick you want the asphalt to be. Some homeowners prefer having a thicker asphalt, just remember that the added inches will increase the price of the asphalt.

The equipment that needed is essential. Gone are the days when just a wheel barrel and shovel handles an asphalt project. There is a minimum of at least two large dump trucks needed for an asphalt project. Two trucks will keep the asphalt dumping at all times, which is important for the success of the project, as hot asphalt cannot sit in a truck; it needs to be dispensed immediately. Workers will be ready for the hot asphalt. When one truck leaves to get another load of hot asphalt, a truck will be ready to dump fresh hot asphalt.

The amount of time the new asphalt takes to be installed is also factored into the price, along with the labor of the employees performing the work. The number of employees needed for the project will be determined by the contractor. If the project is a large project, then there will be more employees needed, but the more employees needed, the faster the asphalt project will be completed. Insurance will be considered for the project, as the asphalt contractor will have to make sure that adequate insurance is obtained for the project. This is important for both you and your contractor.

The price of an asphalt project has many factors. Don’t let the price of asphalt determine who you hire for your project. An experienced and qualified asphalt contractor knows the importance of each factor for an asphalt project and will want to deliver the best results possible for you throughout the process.

For more information on Arizona’s top trusted commercial asphalt contractor, click here!

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